Please find below our list of frequently asked questions. If there is a question you want to be answered that isn’t featured below, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.
What happens at my first appointment?
A comprehensive case history will be taken and we will discuss in detail the initial problem you are currently experiencing, and how it started. The more information we can get within the case history the better the outcome of treatment.
We will also ask you about your general health such as diet, lifestyle and any medication you take. This allows us to build up a full picture, looking not only at the symptoms but also at your general health and lifestyle to establish why the problem has occurred but this also gives an indication of healing times too.
To make a working diagnosis, a full examination will need to take place, after that, a detailed explanation of the findings found will be explained so you have a full understanding of your diagnosis, treatment plan, how long you may be expected to feel like this and how many treatments you may need. Finally, treatment will take place.
What should I wear?
As your osteopath needs to be able to see the way you move, your joints, muscles and areas of discomfort, it is recommended that you wear shorts and a t-shirt or sports bra. This will enable your osteopath to work effectively. Please give us a call to check before you come in if you’re unsure.
Will the treatment be painful?
Osteopathic treatment is usually very gentle; however, depending on your area of pain and the severity of your symptoms you may feel some discomfort during and after treatment. If you have consented to the osteopath using acupuncture this can sometimes be a little uncomfortable as it reaches deep muscles. Following your treatment, you may experience some mild soreness but this should go away within 48 hours. If you experience any unusual symptoms after your appointment, please get in touch for advice.
Do manipulations hurt and are they dangerous?
If practised by a qualified and sensitive osteopath they are not dangerous. Manipulations should not hurt if the osteopath has good technique and is respectful of a patient's sensitivity. You shouldn’t assume that you will always have manipulation whenever you go to an osteopath, as many successful treatments can be conducted without the use of it. All good osteopaths will keep the patient informed of what they are doing as the treatment progresses.
Should I take painkillers?
Many patients are reluctant to take painkillers for fear of masking their symptoms and thus causing further trouble. However, the judicious use of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant medication can often be extremely useful, especially in the acute phases of some conditions. Your osteopath will advise on the suitability of appropriate ‘over-the-counter’ medication as well as other methods of easing discomforts such as the application of heat and/or cold packs, the use of pain-relieving gels or gentle exercises. If prescription medications are required, your osteopath can liaise with your GP.
How often will I need to be seen?
The majority of patients require 3-6 treatment sessions. Every patient responds differently and the osteopath will discuss with you the anticipated course of treatment, your prognosis and realistic expectations for recovery. In some cases where the problems being addressed cannot be expected to resolve (old injuries, structural changes) it may be recommended that treatment is given at regular intervals on a long term basis to maintain the function and keep symptoms at bay.