weak grip and shoulder pain

Shoulder pain

Have you ever considered that your shoulder pain could be due to weakness in your grip strength? If you think about it, then it kind of makes sense. Everyday we do lots with our hands, such as carrying items, typing, cleaning and exercise. We can’t ignore the direct correlation between grip strength and the activation of the shoulder muscles (rotator cuff) and how both are vital for shoulder injury prevention and rehabilitation.

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 About the shoulder 

The shoulder sacrifices stability for mobility - what this means is that the shoulder joint has huge amounts of movement but not much stability and support, therefore the shoulder has numerous muscles to aid with stability.


What makes up the grip?

The grip is made up for the hand and wrist. We have lots of deep intrinsic hand muscles and the hand and wrist muscles travel up the anterior (front) and posterior (back) of the forearm - these muscles are what create the grip.


Shoulder pain causes related to grip 

There is thought to be a neurological involvement with grip strength and the shoulder. It is suggested that when we pick up an object there is a trigger within the brain that will fire a signal to switch on the on the shoulder muscles. If there is a weakness within the grip this could potentially influence the shoulder.

Let’s talk about grip strength and how our daily functions/routines may cause us to experience shoulder pains.

An example; carrying bags. All of us do it, many of us on a daily basis. This function requires a certain amount of grip strength, what we also have to contend with when carrying is gravity adding extra down force. If we have weak grips the shoulder muscles will be required to work harder to create stability, potential resulting in some over use injury. This is also to be said for those of us that frequently go to the gym and lift weights or for people that play any racquet sports 

Here are few exercises that may help to strengthen up the grip:

  1. Suitcase carries

  2. Farmer carries

  3. Plate pinch

  4. Dead hangs

For more information on grip strength, exercises or if you're suffering with shoulder pain, reach out to NOVA Osteopathy for guidance. 

Call 0785 657 707 to book an appointment 

or visit www.novaosteopathy.com 


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