What is Osteoarthritis

Arthritis is used as a general term to describe stiffness, pain, and inflammation in the joints but in truth there are many types of arthritis which produce differing symptoms. Today we are going to be discussing Osteoarthritis (OA), Hopefully after reading this you’ll have a better understanding of what it is, what the risk factors are, the symptoms and what we can do at NOVA Osteopathy to help.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

OA one of the most common forms of arthritis that we see in clinic. OA is a degenerative type of arthritis where the cartilage of over used joints and mainly weight bearing joints such as the knees, ankles and spine started to break down over time. Symptoms start to occur with stiffness, swelling and pain. Obviously the severity of the degeneration will depend on person and therefore so will the severity of the symptoms.

OA is a very natural process and will occur to everyone in some shape or form. However it is more common as we get older

Risk Factors for OA

  1. High BMI

  2. Previous joint injuries (breaks, sprains or overuse)

  3. Hypermobility

  4. High sport levels

  5. Age

What we see most frequently at NOVA Osteopathy with OA, pain can feel worse with activity and/or periods after activity, and can feel better with rest. One very common symptom that patients experience is pain at night which may wake them up.

OA is a slow degenerative process, symptoms can take many years to show themselves, however secondary symptoms can arise within those pesky joints such as subchondral cysts and bony spurs. MRI may be required to identify these bone changes.


Early examination of symptoms to get an accurate diagnosis to find the best course of treatment is paramount with any case of arthritis and injury.

Detecting the change as soon as possible can be invaluable as to start giving the right advise and guidance to what your experiencing and hopefully getting a reducing the symptoms as quickly as possible

Physical therapy such as Osteopathy and movement based treatment can also help to treat the symptoms associated with arthritis. At NOVA Osteopathy we help people weekly with various forms of arthritis, advice and exercises all centred around the individual’s needs.


Menopause and Joint Health


Strength & mobility training